Friday, February 15, 2008


10am I get up and quickly adorn my shred gear only to find out I dont have a pass to ride with :( Depressed from the absence of turns and O2 time I supposed to get today, I turned to the internet. I drowned my sorrows by watching every video on comedy central, mountain lab 1.5, picture this, and surfed usatoday, jensonusa, and performancebike all in their entirety. Then I talked to my now crippled friend Phil and he convinced me to go find some shred via hiking. With all my snow stuff since 1o and its now 5 I figured I might as well. Daylight quickly fading I decided it would be a better idea to hike around and snap some pix instead of getting stuck somewhere on my board alone. Check the few pix I took next time there will be people shredding in them....

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